Giving back to africa made possible
DIANA ry is a non-profit organization dedicated to harnessing the knowledge and
expertise of African academics, researchers, and scientists in the diaspora
What we do here
Diana ry aims to enhance African universities and research institutions by engaging
African diaspora experts, improving education quality, and fostering professional collaboration to fill critical
gaps in research and teaching.

Dr Doh Pascal
President-Coordinator, Diana Ry
Dear friends, stakeholders, and education donors in Africa,
The DIANA ry has been launched in the diaspora in one of the world’s citadel of knowledge, education and innovation, Finland with immediate branch chapter in Berlin (Germany) and California, USA and will extend to Canada, France, Belgium and Spain. DIANA ry is finally here to facilitate the involvement of African intellectual diaspora in remote teaching and research collaboration as well as contact activities with African universities and research organisations. The activities of DIANA are spelt out in different “Professional Mobility Programmes”, Virtual and contact. DIANA-ry shall conduct on behalf of the African Diaspora communities the selection of Fellows and place at the disposal of the African Universities. DIANA ry’s operations are need based i.e based on the expressed needs of African Universities for expertise. DIANA ry’s management has a wonderful network and sufficient experts trained (with Ph.Ds and Master in Higher Education Management) to outsource African academic expertise from Europe...
What We Do
We Can Build A Better Future Together For Africa
Participants in DIANA ry's programmes are called Diana ry 'Fellows' or 'Scholars', named ex-post after their first teaching or research activities in or with Africa This, after a rigorous selection process by reviewers in the different colleges in which their expertise belong.
Our Upcoming Events
Most of our events are posted online with accessible links for those that are online. Our calender is updated as soon as we have events coming up. Sign up for our latest events and webinar.
Finland-Africa Collaboration Platform for Teacher Training and Capacity-building in Central
and West Africa
Diaspora Academic Network for Africa (Diana ry) Finland (Online)
Lady BirdGroup of Schools, Mvan, Yaoundé, Cameroon (Onsite host)
Under the Observing Participation of:
The Ministry of Secondary Education, Cameroon
African Union Commission.
African Academic Night (AAN)
A forum where Science shall meet with entertainment and cultural diversity
Africa STEM by NASEM & African Academy of Sciences
To catalyze convergence research, innovation, and cross-pollination of ideas
2nd ASAF Annual General Forum
The forum was organised as a hybrid event to enable both onsite participation in Dar-El-Salaam, Tanzania and online
What Our Partners Are Saying
Our Gallery

Discussion with Minister Pekka Haavisto, Minister of Foreign Affairs Finland, 13 June 2022 Nordic Africa Minister of Foreign Affairs Summit

Namibian Ambassador to Finland on the role of the African Diaspora. 13 June 2022 Nordic Africa Minister of Foreign Affairs Summit

Representatives of African Diaspora Organisations at the Nordic Africa Minister of Foreign Affairs Summit and African Parliamentarian in the Finnish Parliament. Helsinki, 13 June 2022

Diana ry at the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education, Barcelona 18-20 May 2022

Tunisian Ambassador to Finland on the role of the African Diaspora. 13 June 2022 Nordic Africa Minister of Foreign Affairs Summit

Photo shoot with Secretary General of the Association of African Universities, Prof Olusola at the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education, Barcelona 2022
DIANA ry is finally here to facilitate the involvement of African intellectual diaspora in remote teaching and research collaboration as well as contact activities with African universities and research organisations.
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