Professor Levi Nwankwo
Vice President For Africa
Levi Nwankwo is a Full Professor of Earth and Environmental Physics and
Director of Research and Development at Federal University Kashere, Nigeria.
Prior to this position, he served as the Principal (and Dean) of the College of
Education, Open and Distance eLearning, Kampala International University,
Uganda, and Founding Head of the Department of Geo-Physics, University of
Ilorin, Nigeria. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun. Prof. Nwankwo obtained three Master’s degrees, namely MSc in Physics from the University of Ilorin, MSc in Educational Studies from KULeuven, Belgium, and MA in Online and Distance Education from The Open University, UK; and a PhD in Physics. Prof. Nwankwo is a recipient of quite a number of prestigious international awards like the Commonwealth Scholarship (UK), Erasmus Mundus Scholarship (EU), among others. He is currently an Associate of UNESCO’s Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy. He has also participated in several refresher courses from the IGGP programme of Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland, and the University of Twente, Netherlands. More so, he attended the United Nations General Assembly on Environment, and Partnership for Enhanced and Blended Learning (PEBL) Network Meeting of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, among other high profile meetings.
Congratulations, Prof. Nwankwo..
I am not surprised. Greater things shall follow with the wisdom and fortitude to exceed expectations. Congratulations are in order dear Prof.
Congratulations on your achievements, Prof., more laurels are coming your way in Jesus Mighty name.