There are three forms to be completed by fellows

  1. Fellow’s Declaration of Interest forms

This form begins with 1. A short bio of maximum 15 lines presenting the potential expert and 2. An application-declaration of interest statement. Here potential diaspora experts fill an online form, a repository on the website to express interest to join and be fellows of DIANA ry. They declare their specialisations and the type of activities they want to carry out in an African university or country (teaching, research, supervision, curriculum development, capacity-building, seminar, conference, industry place). DIANA ry will analyse the profiles match with the declared needs from the African country. They declare their availability and capacity for distant and contact activity. Summary: Personal details, Willingness to carry out the activity in any African country, Specific choice countries, Time & Schedules of the Diaspora Expert, possibility to negotiate and adapt to the time and schedule

of the African university unit, Own digital platform (e.g. Zoom, Team, Google Meet), experience in distant delivery, Expected Collaboration and partnership to result from the DIANA ry activity, Working experience with African Universities, Previous existing collaboration, International teaching and

research experiences, travelling experience etc.


2.     Fellow CV to be uploaded on the (emphasize amongst others and in any order), degrees andspecialisations, other expertise and education, languages of delivery, current and previous work experience, research activities, research grants, Research supervision & leadership Experiences, Leadership experience in research groups or projects, Group-Project Leadership, Scientific Project Leadership, Trainer-Training of Trainers Skills, Teaching merits and experiences, Teaching levels, Other visiting lectureship, Pedagogical training and other demonstrated pedagogical expertise, ICT and Digital teaching Competence, Awards and honours, Peer review activities, Peer review of funding applications, Awards and honours, Peer review of funding applications, Memberships in national or international expert, evaluation or steering groups and other expert roles, Policy Advisory Position, Memberships in editorial committees for scientific and professional publication series and journals or position as editor or editor-in-chief, Memberships of Scientific Communities, Significant invited international lectures, Organising scientific conferences, Developing responsible research and innovation activities Other positions and commitments of relevance.


3.    Fellow’s Declaration of Interest forms


This form begins with 1. A short bio of maximum 15 lines presenting the potential expert and 2. An application-declaration of interest statement. Here potential diaspora experts fill an online form, a repository on the website to express interest to join and be fellows of DIANA ry. They declare their specialisations and the type of activities they want to carry out in an African university or country (teaching, research, supervision, curriculum development, capacity-building, seminar, conference, industry place). DIANA ry will analyse the profiles match with the declared needs from the African country. They declare their availability and capacity for distant and contact activity. Summary: Personal details, Willingness to carry out the activity in any African country, Specific choice countries, Time & Schedules of the Diaspora Expert, possibility to negotiate and adapt to the time and schedule of the African university unit, Own digital platform (e.g. Zoom, Team, Google Meet), experience in distant delivery, Expected Collaboration and partnership to result from the DIANA ry activity, Working experience with African Universities, Previous existing collaboration, International teaching and research experiences, travelling experience etc.


2.    Fellow CV to be uploaded on the (emphasize amongst others and in any order), degrees and

specialisations, other expertise and education, languages of delivery, current and previous work experience, research activities, research grants, Research supervision & leadership Experiences, Leadership experience in research groups or projects, Group-Project Leadership, Scientific Project Leadership,

Trainer-Training of Trainers Skills, Teaching merits and experiences, Teaching levels, Other visiting lectureship, Pedagogical training and other demonstrated pedagogical expertise, ICT and Digital teaching Competence, Awards and honours, Peer review activities, Peer review of funding applications,

Awards and honours, Peer review of funding applications, Memberships in national or international expert, evaluation or steering groups and other expert roles, Policy Advisory Position, Memberships in editorial committees for scientific and professional publication series and journals or position as

editor or editor-in-chief, Memberships of Scientific Communities, Significant invited international lectures, Organising scientific conferences, Developing

responsible research and innovation activities Other positions and commitments of relevance.


3.    Fellow engagement formgement form


DIANA ry is finally here to facilitate the involvement of African intellectual diaspora in remote teaching and research collaboration as well as contact activities with African universities and research organisations.


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