Dr.Nina Afriyie
National Contact Person, Ghana and Promoter
Dr. Nina Afriyie is an independent researcher with a PhD in Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, from the University of Dar es Salaam. She is interested in promoting change through entrepreneurship practices, entrepreneurship culture, and always push to creating an environment where entrepreneurship is appreciated as a way of life through evidence-based research. She believes in viewing entrepreneurship activities beyond just business creation. She assists people, both young and adult, small and medium enterprises to hone their entrepreneurial lifestyle through training, research and outreach programmes. As a strong believer in the power of positive thinking in line with entrepreneurship irrespective of specialisation, Nina is proud to contribute to making entrepreneurship education a University-wide course without regards to study programmes at the University of Cape Coast. She has personally found great benefit in applying wellness measure in her life and in everything she finds herself doing.